Friday, 13 September 2013

/ / / / / / / / / trove

- Coming soon - stories from trove.

/ / / / / / / / / trove

Fortune favors the brave ( Fortes fortuna adiuvat ) - patch barca / bob / mouse / anna zaytsev / slim


- stuff, while thinking of a new project premise. Mindless moving of tablet pen. aarruughhh I have nothing, NOTHING!!!!!!!! (smacks head)

Face Sketches - 2

- more variations / studies.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Monday, 1 July 2013

Environment - Compensation

Here have this color-script as a compensation for me missing the last few Environments.


Dusk - Environment 3

I apologize I couldn't make it everyday. This is dusk at a abandoned train track in front of my house.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

L.A. - Environment 1

Graduation from the Rhode Island School of Design!!

On June 1st I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design!!! I hope the future is going to be bright!!! XD

- Pally Zhang

Sunday, 12 May 2013



three - Mizu village

Environment concepts for samurai action adventure - three; these environments were created with the intent to convey a mood for a setting. The point is to create user immersion - so the audience could project themselves into the environment. A friend pointed out that color is attributed to how an individual perceive it, based on the individual's memories, but this is solely an opinion.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Sunday Night Environment

three - Ichi and Ni concepts

Some minor changes were made during the final part of the process. These are 2/3 of the brothers -three- they each are designed to fulfill the varies roles that complete a proficient warrior. They require each other to function.

three - a samurai adventure - process